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Arran including Arran Coastal Way

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Arran including Arran Coastal Way

Covers a large area yet is handily compact. Pocket perfect!

Features the renowned Goat Fell, A'Chir ridge, Beinn Bharrain, Glen Sannox & Glen Rosa.

Detailed map for runners and walkers of the whole island at the magic 1:40,000 scale.

The 100km (62 miles) Arran Coastal Way is also shown. The route links the coastline of the island with the villages and the stunning scenery Arran has to offer.

Includes Gaelic-English glossary and information on local archaeological and historical sites.

Includes 4 Corbetts and 1 Graham.

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Fully detailed genuine HARVEY mapping
Use without a map case: tough and 100% waterproof
Opens directly to either side of the sheet

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